
التغريد اليدوي / نص:

غرد الآن
غرد لحساب غير مسلم - منشن

Many often emphasise the Muslims archaic nature with little value for culture and the arts. They fail to understand the fact that Islam itself is a way of life which had been perfected and beyond which no other way could be better.

التصنيف: - عدد المغردين بهذه التغريدة12490

غرد الآن
غرد لحساب غير مسلم - منشن

They say “Prophet Mohammad is the founder of Islam, and Muslims worship him”. Unknown to them is that Allah (God) founded the religion of islam and that no one is worthy of worship except Him (Allah).

التصنيف: - عدد المغردين بهذه التغريدة12399

غرد الآن
غرد لحساب غير مسلم - منشن

Many believe that “Muslims're lying about Islam being peaceful”.They'll say the preaches of Islam as a religion of peace are false.Only if they knew that the “treaty of Hudaibiyyah” was the 1st of diplomatic effort which avoid violence & establishes peace as much as possible

التصنيف: - عدد المغردين بهذه التغريدة12460

غرد الآن
غرد لحساب غير مسلم - منشن

Non-Muslims often claim that they have never hear Muslims speak against terrorism. But truth is many scholars of Islam have died in the hands of terrorists individuals simply because they preaches against their anti-Islam activities and tactics.

التصنيف: - عدد المغردين بهذه التغريدة12617

غرد الآن
غرد لحساب غير مسلم - منشن

“Death for apostasy”. They say Islam declare that anyone who converts to another religion be killed. In actual fact and explanation, converting to another faith is not what warrant that an individual be prosecuted but the act of maligning the image of islam after conversion.

التصنيف: - عدد المغردين بهذه التغريدة12507

غرد الآن
غرد لحساب غير مسلم - منشن

Islam as a religion condemn inhuman killing in all forms even to animals. Often than not, “stoning to death is allowed” which shariah prescribe as punishment for adultery (not fornication) is often misconstrued as an inhuman and contradicting muslims claim to mercy.

التصنيف: - عدد المغردين بهذه التغريدة12497

غرد الآن
غرد لحساب غير مسلم - منشن

Must be "Muslim" or you will go to Hell. This is one statement people often get wrong. It does not suggest in any form that heaven is meant only for muslims or that hell is for only non-Muslims. But indeed, Allah is all knowing and an unbiased judge.

التصنيف: - عدد المغردين بهذه التغريدة12650

غرد الآن
غرد لحساب غير مسلم - منشن

Claim that islam gives no room for freedom of religion is however baseless as the Prophet Mohammad (SAW) acknowledge the presence of people of other faith and thought how to relate with them

التصنيف: - عدد المغردين بهذه التغريدة12573

غرد الآن
غرد لحساب غير مسلم - منشن

Some non-muslims or some ill educated extremists often claim that “Punishment for Apostasy in Islam is death”. Apostasy in Islam is not punishable by death not until such person makes mischievous statements which could cause great danger or escalate crisis in the society.

التصنيف: - عدد المغردين بهذه التغريدة12370

غرد الآن
غرد لحساب غير مسلم - منشن

“Stoning to death is allowed in Islam” is an issue often misunderstood in islam. It simply suggests some sort of deterrence from the commitment of a greater evil (adultery) which effect could be long term and devastating.

التصنيف: - عدد المغردين بهذه التغريدة12579

غرد الآن
غرد لحساب غير مسلم - منشن

The perception of muslims as people who dosn’t tolerate freedom of religion is another misunderstood issue in islam. In core muslim states, even in the time of the Prophet Mohammad (SAW) and the khalifs; non-muslims coexist and cohabit with the muslims without friction.

التصنيف: - عدد المغردين بهذه التغريدة12528

غرد الآن
غرد لحساب غير مسلم - منشن

A lady once said “My problem with Islam is its confinement of Women to houses”. Islam gives high regard to the female folk, and its advocacies about them is often borne of the desire for preservation of dignity and enhancement of respect.

التصنيف: - عدد المغردين بهذه التغريدة12453

غرد الآن
غرد لحساب غير مسلم - منشن

Statues/images forbidden. It is true that statues are forbidden in its pure form likewise images but that is the physical form, not the soft copy one uses for remembrance on a phone or system/computer.

التصنيف: - عدد المغردين بهذه التغريدة12626

غرد الآن
غرد لحساب غير مسلم - منشن

A man and woman cannot be alone together. Have you ever given this a thought. What if they are blood related or if there is emergency even something very important to discuss? Does islam prohibit that also?

التصنيف: - عدد المغردين بهذه التغريدة12739

غرد الآن
غرد لحساب غير مسلم - منشن

It is commonly thought that religion in general, including Islam, is simply not compatible with science/reason/knowledge. The holy Quran repeatedly emphasises the importance of seeking knowledge, verifying information, use of logic/reason, evidence and so on.*

التصنيف: - عدد المغردين بهذه التغريدة12658